
Introducing the new TK-7360HV and TK-8360HU high power mobiles with enhanced design specifications to meet a wide variety of industrial and public sector applications. The 360 Series mobiles have a new user-friendly front console with a bright backlit 10-character display to  provide a clear message presentation, caller identification, GPS location and radio channel information day or night.

General Features
•    50W (136-174 MHz)Model
•    45W (450-520 MHz)Model
•    5W/25W/50(45)W Preset Power Settings
•    128 Channels / 128 Conventional Zones
•    Single Priority Scan
•    10-Character Alphanumeric Aliases
•    Tri-color & Blue “function/status” LEDs
•    10 Programmable Function Keys
•    Emergency/AUX Key
•    Voice Inversion Scrambler Built-In
•    16 Scrambler Codes (per CH)
•    Encryption / Board Control
•    Two-Tone & DTMF Encode/Decode
•    FleetSync® & MDC-1200 – Both programmable by Zone

•    Analog Conventional & LTR

•    IP-54 Water & Dust Intrusion