
Kenwood’s new 302 Series mobiles are feature rich and budget friendly analog mobile radios designed for many business, agriculture, construction, utility and local government applications. Models VHF TK-7302VK/HVK 25W/50W and TK-8302UK/HUK 25W/45W offer 16 channels, 2 Digit LED Channel Display, comparable TK-x160 features and new stylized ergonomics.

General Features
•    Broad VHF (38 MHz) & UHV (70 MHz) bandwidth
•    16 Channels / 2 Conventional Zones
•    2-Digit LED Channel Display
•    Blue Function / Status LED
•    Voice Channel Announcement (8 Languages)
•    16 Scrambler Codes (per CH)
•    Encryption Board Control (20-Pin type)
•    QT/DQT
•    Two-Tone Encode/Decode
•    DTMF Encode/Decode
•    Public Address / Horn Alert Output
•    FleetSync®
•    MDC-1200 (PTT ID, Emergency, Radio Check & Radio Inhibit)
•    DB15 Accessory Interface
•    8 Programmable I/O Ports
•    9 Programmable Function Keys
•    Companded Audio
•    Voice Inversion Scrambler Built-In